
Stephanie Noyola is 12 years old. She is a seventh-grade student at Jackson Middle School. She is diabetic and has pancreatitis which is inflammation of the pancreas causing severe abdominal pain. Stephanie never knows when the next attack will be. She has learned to roll with it as it comes. She was struggling academically because her absences.
Operation Xcel has given her the space to make up her missing assignments and have a better understanding of the topics she has missed by not going to school because of her illness.
Stefanie feels safe and enjoys going to Operation Xcel. She started in summer of 2019 and likes the convenience of having tutoring available in the same school with some of her classmates and teachers.
Based on the last report from her social worker, Operation Xcel environment is helping Stephanie with her emotional health. She is on the honor roll. She feels more confident, loved by her tutors who care about her even when she is at the hospital.
Operation Xcel celebrates Stephanie’s success, while we come under our mission of promoting connections between school, families and the community.