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7 Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness for You to Consider during Random Acts of Kindness Week (February 14 - 20th)

Have you ever had a moment in life when someone you didn’t know did something kind for you? How did the time make you feel? How did you respond in the moment? The famous Greek fabulist and storyteller Aesop once said, “No act of kindness—however small—is ever wasted.”

When you strive to live an altruistic lifestyle, you can’t help but give kindness out to others around you, whether you know them or not. These random acts of kindness brighten other people’s days, give them joy and remind them they’re not alone in the world. However, random acts of kindness don’t just happen; we often have to be very intentional with them. If you strive to live an intentionally altruistic lifestyle, you’ve come to the right place to learn more. Here are seven ideas for random acts of kindness.

1. Pay for the next person in line.
One easy way to give a random act of kindness is to simply pay for the next person in line. Whether you’re at a gas station, a coffee shop or even a vending machine around the office, consider paying for the next person in line. Not only can this brighten someone else’s day, but it might also encourage them to pay for the following person, and go right down the line.

2. Give a compliment.
Use today as an opportunity to give someone else a compliment, whether you know them or not. Give out a compliment to a stranger about her hair, or his shoes or their car. Compliments naturally lift us up and encourage us, and are the perfect way to share kindness with others around you throughout your day.

3. Tell someone they matter.
For people who might be a little bit closer to you, like family or friends, share kindness with them by telling them they matter. We often forget to thank the people in our lives for everything they do for us. Instead, use this time as an opportunity to reach out to your loved ones and tell them how much they matter to you.

4. Share a book with another.
Books are a great way to communicate valuable information, powerful stories and yes—even kindness. If you read a great book, consider sharing it with another person. This could be something as simple as recommending a book to your friend or family member, or even leaving a book behind in a coffee shop for someone else to take advantage of.

5. Open up your home.
Show kindness in your community by opening up your home to people—or animals—in need. Invite friends, family and community members into your home for dinner, parties or games. Let someone who needs a place to stay crash on your couch for a weekend. Or, invite an animal in need into your home through a fostering program. When you open up your home for kindness, you naturally encourage others to do the same.

6. Have a meal with someone.
Speaking of dinner, share kindness with another by having a meal with someone—and then paying for it. Food can be used as a great bonding mechanism. It helps us lower our walls, relax and let the conversation flow. Show someone you care by inviting them out for coffee, lunch or even dinner to get to know them better and share a valuable meal together.

7. Donate what you can.
Finally, one of the easiest ways you can promote random acts of kindness is by donating what you can to your favorite nonprofit organization. Whether you give your time, talents, gently used goods or finances, you can make a valuable difference in your community through donating. See what you can donate and make someone’s day with a random act of kindness.

Note:  You may give to Operation Xcel through our Xcel in Love Valentine's Day fundraiser.  Your donations matter!  


If you want to live a more altruistic lifestyle, try taking advantage of these random acts of kindness. Whether you give back to a stranger, someone you know or your entire community, you can brighten someone’s day and share kindness with them.