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The History of Christmas

Red and green candy cane close up in front of a Christmas tree

Christmas is a widely celebrated holiday that falls on December 25th and is a religious and cultural event. People all around the world have been observing it for thousands of years with various traditions and practices, both religious and secular. For Christians, Christmas Day commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, a spiritual teacher whose teachings form the foundation of their faith. Popular customs include exchanging gifts, decorating Christmas trees, attending church, sharing meals with loved ones, and waiting for Santa Claus to arrive. Since 1870, December 25th has been recognized as a federal holiday in the United States.


As Americans, we uphold traditions that are passed down through generations. We prepare for Christmas sometimes months in advance. We purchase gifts, carefully select ornaments for our tree, plan meals, and send out cards to our loved ones. However, there are some aspects of Christmas that we may not be aware of. The History Channel provides some fascinating insights into the origins of Christmas as a day of celebration around the world, including in the United States. These facts date back to before Christ (B.C.) and cover the time when Christmas was canceled, as well as its designation as a federal holiday. We invite you to explore more about Christmas from the History Channel, and you may even want to create some trivia games based on what you learn.


Follow the link to discover more facts about Christmas:


We hope you get to spend this holiday season with your loved ones, regardless of the distance, and enjoy all the beauty and significance of this wonderful time of the year. May all your prayers and dreams for a peaceful and joyous season come true, and may you become an instrument of peace and a source of contagious joy to those around you!