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National Diabetes Awareness Month 2023

Diabetes is a medical condition that arises when the level of glucose, also known as blood sugar, in your blood is too high. If left unmanaged, diabetes can cause damage to your eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart and is associated with certain types of cancer.  It is one of the primary causes of death in the country.  For people with diabetes, taking control of their health as soon as possible can potentially help prevent additional health issues.  Diabetes affects individuals of all ages, ethnicities, races, and genders - both adults and children can develop it.

President Biden’s proclamation on National Diabetes Awareness Month 2023 poses a challenge that we hope all Americans accept.  A portion of the president’s proclamation reads:  “I call upon all Americans, school systems, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, health care providers, research institutions, and other interested groups to join in activities that raise diabetes awareness and help prevent, treat, and manage this disease.”  We at Operation Xcel accept the president’s challenge and are providing information and resources to raise your awareness and provide tools to prevent or better manage diabetes. 

National Diabetes Awareness Month is intended to facilitate a better understanding of the types of diabetes, its risk factors, and its symptoms. According to the Centers for Disease Control, diabetes affects 37.3 million Americans, and 8.6 million have the disease but don’t know it; but, diabetes is a preventable disease that can be avoided through lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise.  For more about diabetes prevention visit the following link to CDC’s diabetes prevention information page:

This file is to access the Take Charge of Tomorrow information from the National Institute of Health.  The information is intended for people with diabetes, providing tips and guides to prevent diabetes-related health problems.