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Children Playing Bongos

American Education Week 2023

Hand picking out a book on a bookshelf

American Education Week began in 1921 when the National Education Association (NEA) designated the week before Thanksgiving to show support for and celebrate the public school community. The festivities are meant to honor everyone who works to support and educate our children in the public school system. Each day of the week has a separate theme to recognize a specific group of people who are instrumental in education. American Education Week takes place from Monday, November 13th to Friday, November 17th.  Each day celebrates a different group of people who contribute to the successful education of children within the public school system. The NEA suggests a different focus and ideas for your participation on each day.  

Ø  Monday is a day to celebrate Excellence in Education. Some ideas are for students to recite poetry, write an essay about what they might improve if they were the principal of their school, and many other ideas.

Ø  Tuesday is Family Day – a day set aside for parental involvement. 

Ø  Wednesday is Educational Support Professionals Daya day to celebrate and honor the support of all educational support staff.

Ø  Thursday is the Educator for a Day theme.  Switching roles between the parent and teacher for a day is an interesting idea. That includes handling all activities, including leading students to and from the cafeteria for lunch. Imagine that!

Ø  Friday is Substitute Educators Dayfocusing on those who fill in when the teacher is absent. 

Each day of American Education Week is incredibly important, especially considering the fact that many educators in the public school system are significantly underpaid for the incredible work they do. You may have your own ideas to celebrate the people who contribute to the success of public school students.  I am confident that the recognition of this week itself will mean a lot to the teachers and support staff at any public school.

As someone who recognizes the immense stress and effort required to plan, prepare, and present lesson plans to a diverse group of students, I have a great appreciation for those who are called to this profession. In a post-pandemic environment, this job has become even more challenging, making the recognition of American Education Week all the more important.

As American Education Week approaches, I encourage everyone in the community to find a way to express their appreciation and gratitude to those involved in any one of the many roles in the public school system. It's important to recognize the hard work and dedication of teachers and school administrators who work long hours and often extend their workday to serve as mentors, tutors, and readers at Operation Homework's afterschool sites. Let's take this opportunity to celebrate and recognize the contributions of all those who support and help make Operation Xcel's programs a success.

Operation Xcel is a place where learners are inspired to excel in every area of their lives and make meaningful changes in the world. Realizing this mission on a daily basis would be impossible without the help of everyone involved! 

Happy American Education Week!