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Wear it Pink Challenge - October 27, 2023

Accept our challenge and join Operation Xcel, the global community, and others while you Wear it Pink on October 27th in support of those affected by breast cancer!

On October 27th, 2023, individuals and organizations can participate in Wear It Pink, an event that encourages wearing pink and related activities to support the cause.  Wear It Pink is an annual event celebrated globally to raise awareness about breast cancer and support research to find a cure. It was launched in the United Kingdom by Breast Cancer Now, a leading charity that provides support to breast cancer patients and funds research to find better treatments. The event has been celebrated since 2002 and has grown in popularity over the years, playing a significant role in bringing us closer to a future without breast cancer.  

Challenge:  We challenge everyone connected to Operation Xcel to wear pink on the last Friday of this month, take pictures, and post them on Social Media.  Be sure to use the hashtags in this article and tag "operationxcel" on Facebook, Instagram, and Linked In.

Relevant Hashtags
Consider using relevant hashtags when sharing your participation in Wear It Pink 2023 and engaging in conversations about breast cancer awareness and support.
•    #WearItPink
•    #BreastCancerAwareness
•    #PinkRibbon
•    #SupportResearch
•    #EarlyDetection
•    #FightAgainstCancer
•    #PinkDay

Let's make this an impactful day in the spaces where we work, learn, play, and live!  Show up PINK!